Could you explain when these phrases below are used?^^/ ya lor ya ke. ya meh ya lah ya kah Thanks in advance.^^/ \^o^/
Dec 10, 2011 1:16 PM
Answers · 6
ya lor - its mean like agree about something confidently ya ke - you are not believe 100% with what he/her talk ya meh - It means 'I don't catch the meaning','I don't know what you mean, what you are getting at' ya lah - just same like 'ya lor' ya kah - just same like ' ya ke' hope this help you :)
December 10, 2011
@Tan, @Apple 영령, Thank you for the comments.^^/
January 2, 2012
ya lor = i'm also having the same thoughts as you do. ya ke = are you sure? ya meh = is it?! (i didn't know until you tell me) ya lah = conveying the meaning "exactly! that's how i think!" ya kah = same as "ya ke", just a different spelling, actually people pronounce them the same way when they see both words.
December 28, 2011
it's meaning are almost same like what Kimmeyamoy said, but these are broken language, better use to those you know her/she so much or friends...
December 27, 2011
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