Stephanie Emilia
Does anybody want to help me translate the following text into English or German? Please answer in English or German only because my Chinese isn't that good, thank you! ------------------------- 珠崖传1卷 (晋)盖 泓纂 佚 《隋书经籍二》:《珠崖传1卷》伪燕聘晋使盖泓撰。 丁国钧《补晋书艺文志二》、文廷式《补晋书艺文志二》:盖泓《珠崖传1卷》,《初学记》卷8引《珠崖传》。章宗源《隋书经籍志考证六》:《珠崖传1卷》,伪燕聘晋使盖泓撰,《太平御览•果部》:《珠崖传》曰:果有龙眼。又《珠崖故事》曰:珠崖果有余甘。姚振宗《隋书经籍考证》卷2 1 :《珠崖传1卷》, 伪燕聘晋使盖泓撰,盖泓始末未详。 《太平御览•经史图书纲目》:《珠崖传》。 -------------------------
Mar 29, 2012 11:01 PM
Answers · 11
Oh mein God .Als ein Chinise kann ich auch nicht sehr gut verstehen. Sie sind die sehr alten Büchernamen.Und die Ausdrücke in der Bücher wird heutezutage nicht mehr benutzt Ich habe in der Schule schon ein bisschen gelernt ,aber nicht genug für Antworten deiner Frage. Du brauchst einen Professor im chinisichbereich. Wo hast du diesen Text gefunden
March 30, 2012
Sweet heart, i don't think anyone on this website can help you. this is ancient chinese, even a chinese person can not understand it very well. you need an expert. sorry
March 30, 2012
.....You kill me, please, lol. I just wanna tell you that this text you give is an ancient article, and even most of Chinese can NOT understand it. Furthermore much less guys can translate it. So don't worry about it. You can not understand it, but it doesn't mean your Chinese is not good :) By the way, I can not understand it either without any dictionary, probably I am from Mars :P
March 29, 2012
haha u really dont hav to worry about this. i was major in Chinese Literature and I was as confused as everyone at the first glance. however Gwen answered well! Anyway, the meaning of that paragraphes just proofing the authentic author, and quoting from some books to prove it. And that's all :)
January 1, 2013
I think the most hard part is the name of author and name of place. For example, I don't know where is Zhyua. As a Taiwanese, we normaly learned the biggest event of offical dynasties of China; normally, the most important dynasties will show on list of text book. So, the Jin Dynasty is not an important period compared with Tang or Han. Thus, I need to check wiki. But, really, this paragraph is not difficult. There is only one information that the author wanna say. Other parts are all biography to provid: this is true. So, the actien education is very serious in literature references writing in Chinese system.
August 6, 2012
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