Can I Say ' I'm hot' to mean I feel very very warm? Adult people always use 'hot' to mean sexy.
I am a elementary school English teacher. Can I teach kids: 'I'm hot' to mean I feel very very warm?
Yes. That is properly what "I'm hot," SHOULD mean. "I'm very warm."
Used the other way is really slang(not proper English).
April 17, 2012
What about: 'I feel hot'. A Spanish speaker once told me that. I think it is not correct, and a too literal translation of: 'Me siento calor'?
April 17, 2012 · Reply
It first meant very warm. It still does.
I'm hot = I am uncomfortably warm
Your Hot = You are sexy
You look hot = You look sexy or You look uncomfortably warm
April 17, 2012
you're* hot
June 23, 2017 · Reply
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