"不大气“的英语是什么? 大家好!:))) 我正在学这两句句子呢:“我叫钱小样,大小的小,样子的样。虽然不大气,但是很可爱。“ 我看得懂第一句句子的意思。但是,第二句句子的“不大气“我不明白。请问,这个“不大气“的英文是什么? 那就先谢了!︿_︿
May 12, 2012 5:56 AM
Answers · 9
May 12, 2012
I think it's quite difficult to translate"大气" into a single word...if u say a girl is "大气的", u don't wanna describe her as cute, sweet, blabla, she has a stronger air. It's something about people's character, behavior and the impression they leave us. For instance, if u say taylor swift is sweet, then modonna is much much more "大气”。 Anyway it's a positive word, if someone describe me as "大气", i'll be very happy:)
May 12, 2012
A person who is 大气 always don't mind your small mistakes, would not be stingy when someone want to borrow money or something from her, would be presure to help you when you need help, and so on. this kind of person is mature of dealing with things.
May 12, 2012
“不大气”包含了很多意思要看用在哪里,比如:这个人不大气,这里大气的意思就是说这个人吝啬,不大方,而你所说的那句话里的不大气是指名字不怎么好听,或听起来不怎么威武,没气概吧 应该是这样,谢谢 No air" contains a lot of meaning depends on where, for example: the atmosphere, the atmosphere here is this man stingy, not generous, and you say that sentence in the atmosphere is a name not very nice, or don't sound so terrible, no character should be so, thank you
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May 12, 2012
但是不大气 也有扭捏,矫揉造作,不自然的意思
May 12, 2012
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