Caio Bueno
'How are you doing?', 'How are you going?' or both? When I want to ask about how somebody feels
May 22, 2012 12:30 AM
Answers · 5
How are you going would be asked if you're literally asking someone how they are going somewhere. Example: "I'm going to an island no one knew existed" "how are you going there?" "by helicopter" 'How's it going?'is another way to ask someone how their life ia going and such.
May 22, 2012
How are you doing?', 'How are you going?' well I think you'd use How are you doing?
May 22, 2012
How are you doing? or how is IT going?
May 22, 2012
How are you doing (American) How are you going (Australian) I don’t know about other English speaking countries
June 18, 2018
"How are you doing?" is right. :)
May 22, 2012
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