what is the difference in usage between the words " scene" and "scenery"? thanks
Jul 20, 2012 1:04 PM
Answers · 2
Scene (view) means a view or picture of a place, event, or activity It could be a view or a picture of a place; a show; an exhibition; a view but it has other meanings Scene(place) : a place where an unpleasant event has happened Example: Evidence was found at the scene of the crime. Scene(Argument) : an expression of great anger or similar feelings, often between two people, or an occasion when this happens Example : Please don't make a scene. scene(Area) :a particular area of activity and all the people or things connected with it or personal preference(slang) Example:INFORMAL I'd rather go to a jazz concert - I'm afraid opera isn't really my scene (= is not the type of thing I like). scene (THEATRE/FILM): a part of a play or film in which the action stays in one place for a continuous period of time Example:the funeral/wedding scene However ,scenery (THEATRE) means the large painted pictures used on a theatre stage to represent the place where the action is scenery (COUNTRYSIDE) : the general appearance of natural surroundings, especially when these are beautiful; the general appearance of natural surroundings, Example:They stopped at the top of the hill to admire the scenery.
July 20, 2012
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