What's the meaning of "ring my bell" in Enrique's song? What's the meaning of "ring my bell" in Enrique's song?
Jul 31, 2012 7:16 PM
Answers · 5
In the song it is a play on words. In slang to "ring someone's bell" means to satisfy them sexually. Literally, it means to ring someone's doorbell. So the way it is used in the song, it has two meanings. "Ring my bell" = come by and visit (ring his doorbell) and have sex with him. By the way, to ring someone's bell also has another slang meaning. In boxing, if somebody rings your bell, they have knocked you unconscious.
July 31, 2012
"Ring My Bell" was also a disco hit in 1979 by Anita Ward, meaning "come over anytime and be with me as in, "ring my door bell".bells means um Watch some interesting christmas songs at
December 17, 2016
It could mean call me on the telephone though, "give me a bell". Telephones used to have bells on them. But if it's a telephone or a door bell, it is going to mean lets play hide the salami. I think it could mean please me sexually. No one rings my bell or phone or knocks on my door :)
August 1, 2012
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