Aug 1, 2012 4:31 AM
Answers · 9
一般口語: Hey, how's it going? Hi, there! Hello, what's up? Hey, anything new? 正式說法:Hello, Mr./Mrs! Good morning/afternoon/evening, Mr./Mrs.! Good day, madam/sir! ^_^
August 1, 2012
正式方法说:Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, Sir/Ma'am or Mr./Ms./Mrs. ______(Last Name) 对同事说:Hello _____(first name) 非正式的法说: What's up? (美国少年人说成: Wassup 或点儿是:sup), how's it hanging? What are you up to? hey! 或点儿是: ay girl(女身)/dude(男身)英文太多了。这儿讲都讲不完。
August 1, 2012
这个好办,其实老外也是人,没必要那么拘束. 你可以这样说: 如果对方是男的,你就说: hey man 如果对方是女孩你就说: Hi my dessert 或者 My little panties
August 1, 2012
批娃儿 直接这样来
August 5, 2012
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