难道,莫非,万一,好歹。 都是同意的吗?
Oct 18, 2012 2:37 PM
Answers · 3
难道:1 adv. used to reiterate a rhetorical question 河水难道会倒流吗?rivers never flow backward, don't they? NOTE: the word 难道 can be echoed at the end of a sentence with the rhetorical word 不成 bu4 cheng2 难道他病了不成? He isn't ill, is he? 莫非:the same meaning as 难道, also can be echoed with the word 不成 indicating guessing or questioning 今天她又没来,莫非又生病了不成?She is absent today, can she be ill again? 万一:in case, eventually, if by any chance 以防万一 万一下雨也不要紧,我带伞了。 好歹: 1 good and bad, what's good and what's bad 这人真不知好歹。 2 mishap, disaster , risk 万一她有个好歹可怎么办?what if something should happen to her? 3 no matter in what way, anyhow , make do with sth 无论条件好坏,将就的做某事 时间太紧了,好歹多吃点就行了。the time is pressing, we'll order whatever there is. 4 in any case, anyhow, at any rate 不论如何 她要是在这里,好歹也能拿个主意。If she were here, she would give us some advice at any rate.
October 19, 2012
if you look up these word in the dictionary ,i will find 难道 and 莫非means :Is it possible that...; Could it be that... but they are a little different in written Chinese . we often use “”难道 in the rhetorical question sentences ,and use "莫非" in the Interrogative sentences. 万一 means :just in case,by any chance,in case of 好歹 as a adv. it means:anyhow, in any case. as a none,it means: mishap, disaster eg:他万一有个好歹,那可怎么办啊? -------- Also, maybe you heard some chinese said :这个人真不知好歹 here,好=good 歹=bad in this sentence it doesn't means that man is stupid or something. it just a complaint,maybe the man who saying this sentence want to help that guy,but that guy doesn't appreciate it.
October 19, 2012
难道:副词。加强反问的语气:你能学好外语,难道我就不能? 莫非:副词。表示揣测或反问:莫非我看错了人? 万一:指可能性极小的意外情况:万一明天下雨呢? 好歹:1.好坏:这人真不知好歹。2.指危险:万一他有个好歹。3.不问条件好坏,将就地做某事:时间太紧了,好歹吃点儿就行了!4.不管怎样,无论如何:他要是在这里,好歹也能拿个主意。
October 18, 2012
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