帮助和协助有什么区别? 帮助和协助有什么区别?
Mar 17, 2013 10:58 PM
Answers · 8
帮助:以出钱、出力或出主意的方式相助别人,或给以物质上、精神上的支援。 eg:帮助公司筹款。请帮助拿一下。 协助:从旁帮助,辅助。 eg:你作为小王的师傅,今天小王第一次单独作业,你协助一下他。
March 17, 2013
简单来讲。 帮助=help 协助= assist
March 18, 2013
帮助和"help"差不多 协助一般只用在文件等正式的地方。
March 18, 2013
There is a easy way to distinguish: 帮助can be used in formal and oral Chinese, 如:我帮助弟弟完成家庭作用。 But 协助 is usually used in formal Chinese, like news report. 当地居民协助警方围堵抢劫嫌疑人。Or 请帮忙协助张经理完成此次报告。 This is my own idea. Hope it could help you.
March 18, 2013
There is a easy way to distinguish: 帮助can be used in formal and oral Chinese, but 协助 is usually used in formal Chinese, like news report. 如:我帮助弟弟完成家庭作用。 当地居民协助警方围堵抢劫嫌疑人。Or 请帮忙协助张经理完成此次报告。 This is my own idea. Hope it could help you.
March 18, 2013
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