Adam Hutchings
which is more normal or more usually used: 很高兴认识你 or 見到你很高興 ?
Apr 17, 2013 9:39 AM
Answers · 7
there are some difference between the two sentences,"很高兴认识你"must be used in the first meet,but"见到你很高兴"could be used in the other occasion.for example ,you have met the old friend after many years'apart,you could say"见到你很高兴"to show your excitement
April 21, 2013
似乎不必這麼累贅 "幸會! 幸會!" 或 "久仰! 久仰!" 足矣 運用傳統詞彙 不但二字簡潔 而且不直接指稱"你"也典雅 幸會: 榮幸地會面。 儒林外史˙第二十九回:「今日幸會,一切要求指教。」 久仰: 仰慕已久。初次見面時的客套話。 儒林外史˙第三回:「晚生久仰老先生,只是無緣,不曾拜會。」 老殘遊記˙第七回:「申子平走近一步,作了個揖,說聲『久仰的很。』」 "很高興見到(認識)你" 再怎麼看 都是外來語的生硬翻譯 I'm glad to see you. I'm glad to know you. I'm pleased to meet you. Me alegro de verte. Me alegro de conocerte.
April 18, 2013
April 18, 2013
Both are social courtesy(most ly written language). And the former is used at first acquaintance. The latter often means the speaker has known sth. about you or being in contact with you(not face to face).
April 17, 2013
Both of them seem fine. But if you have to pick one expression out of the two, like Krupux have suggested, you probably want to say " (我)很高興見到妳." Note: (我) is understood and typically omitted.
April 17, 2013
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