May 4, 2013 11:27 AM
Answers · 9
Haha, this is a funny one, very popular slang in Chinese, it means when you meet something strange or unusual, you feel surprised, embarrassed, awakened or mixed of complicated feeling, you don't stand and can't find a word to express your feeling towards this thing or ppl. All in all, a complicated feeling :D Give you a little dark example, your ex broke with you, cause you don't have much money, now you see she is with a ugly, fat guy but driving BMW, now you can use this phase. p.s. the example isn't based on my experience :P but it happens every day in China now
May 4, 2013
情何以堪 : 事情的發展已經違背了一般的情況,在那種境況之下如何能忍受? 含有感慨或體諒的語氣。 如:「為了家產,兄弟相爭到此地步,這一切看在老人家眼裡,真是情何以堪!」 情 不是 愛情,是實際的狀況、內容之意。如:「實情」、「病情」、「行情」。 堪 是 勝任﹑承受。如:「難堪」﹑「足堪重任」﹑「不堪一擊」﹑「情何以堪」。 論語˙雍也:「人不堪其憂,回也不改其樂。」 百度上的解答 諸如 How hard it is to take this love! 或 Love is too heavy to bear. 是誤解了 情 字
May 4, 2013
vuol dire °BOH.°ahahah...non so come si spiega in italiano precisamente,comunque si usa nella situazione abbastanza imbarazzata.
May 4, 2013
造个句子,例如 你考90分都嫌低,让我这个考70分的人情何以堪啊。
May 4, 2013
May 4, 2013
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