late afternoon, late evening ?? Plz help me 1) Late /morning, afternoon, evening, midnight. late/today, tomorrow. I don't understand the above meanings. 2) could u tell me what the meaning is ? Could you tell mw what the meanings are? What is the meaning of the words what are the meaning of the words which one is correct? Thx^^
Jun 2, 2013 1:36 AM
Answers · 2
These are times of the day. Morning usually refers to any time between sunrise and 12:00. Afternoon usually refers to any time between 12:00 and sunset. Evening is the time from when it starts to get dark, till it is clearly night time. ( the actual time would depend on where you live) Midnight is 12 pm it is an exact time. If you say late - it means towards the end of the time bracket. eg. late morning means before the afternoon (before 12 am) but not very early in the morning. so late morning could be sometime around 11am ? it would depend on the individual. similarly late afternoon would mean still in the afternoon bracket but towards the end, so perhaps around 5pm? again it is an approximate kind of time. Late today/tomorrow - would mean sometime towards the end of the day. You cannot say late midnight. Midnight is a distinct time ( not a period of time) Early is the opposite of late. It means towards the beginning of the period of time. Often time periods can overlap. eg. late afternoon or early evening might be referring to the same period of time. hope this helped.
June 2, 2013
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