度假、假期、放假是什么意思?What is the difference between these three words regarding vacation?
Jul 4, 2013 7:24 PM
Answers · 11
度假 是动词词组。度(=度过,spend vacation) 假期 是名词。=vacation 放假 介词词组= on vacation 度假 emphasizes that we are going to have some activities. For example, 我们要去美国度假。 While 放假 is more lika a status。比如:我们放假了。我们在刚放假。 Marie's example sentences of 放假 are good!:) Emily
July 6, 2013
度假 go on holiday, be on holiday 假期 holidays, vacation 放假 Technically this is a verb phrase, and the emphasis is on 'you don't have to go to school or work', so it's like 'a day (x days) off': 我们学校明天放假。/ 我们春节放七天假。
July 4, 2013
August 22, 2013
度假 on holidays 假期 holidyas 放假 have some days free is this better for you to understand. i saw a host of folks had already explained some. hope this may help you.
July 11, 2013
你好(^_^)我是刚刚注册的新用户,我还不知道怎样与你交流沟通,只能用“发表评论”才能互相交流么?请你帮助我一下,thank you(^_^).我在英语方面有很大的困难。所以你能帮助我吗?:)
July 7, 2013
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