Will you say "How is everything going on?" instead of "how are you?" to people? Today a friend on Skype told me that " how are you going" is a native speaking, especially used in England and Australlia. But I'm confused that is "how is everything going on" the same to "how are you going"?
Jul 29, 2013 2:25 PM
Answers · 11
"How's it going?" is correct and casual. Or "How is everything going?". Or "How are you doing?"
July 29, 2013
They both mean the same thing, but people usually just say "how are you".
July 30, 2013
They mean that same thing. You can also say; What's new?
July 29, 2013
April 18, 2016
Thank you. ∩_∩
July 29, 2013
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