what is the difference? condemn denounce censure blame thank you~
May 7, 2014 11:05 AM
Answers · 2
condemn :Express complete disapproval of, typically in public; censure. denounce:Publicly declare to be wrong or evil censure: Express severe disapproval of (someone or something), typically in a formal statement. blame: Assign responsibility for a fault or wrong. Thus, "codemn" has a similar meaning to that of censure Denounce has different meaning from Blame
May 7, 2014
A person can be condemned to a prison sentence or to other punishment by a court of law. Condemn is also used to say that a practice is unacceptable. Capital punishment is condemned as a poor method for preventing crime. People and policies are denounced in the same way that practices are condemned. Denounce is a bit stronger than condemn when used in this sense. Customary practices of some countries such as female circumcision are also denounced by most western cultures. The practice is condemned for many reasons. Governments can censure customary practices or individuals. It is a formal statement of disapproval. A corrupt individual can be censured for large or small offenses. Anyone can blame their troubles on anyone or anything. A woman's son was killed when his vehicle was blown off the road by a high wind. She blamed the wind for his death. Blame does not mean that the offender was guilty, but simply that they had some responsibility. If a student fails to complete a report, the student will often blame a dog for chewing or eating the final report. A person who is blamed can then be censured and denounced. If the crime can be proven, then the person can be condemned by a court of law and they may have to serve prison time or even lose their life depending on the severity of the crime.
May 7, 2014
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