What do you call the things inside a fruit?different fruits different names? I just swallowed something inside a jujube ,what do you call it?
Sep 15, 2014 7:01 AM
Answers · 6
La Liseuse
Yes, you are right, different fruits have different 'things' inside them, depending on the size. If it's large and hard, we can call it a stone (GB) or a pit (US). You'd use these words for peaches, plums, cherries, dates and so on. If it's small, you'd call it a seed (mainly US) or a pip (mainly GB) . Apples, for example, have seeds/ pips.
September 15, 2014
learn more,thank you very much.
September 16, 2014 · Reply
A seed. As far as I can think, it's always called a seed. Apples, grapes etc all have seeds. Some fruit (collectively called "stone fruit") like peaches have a large hard thing called a 'pit' which has the seed inside so you might hear it called a pit for some fruit, but in general it's 'seed.'
September 15, 2014
I see ,thank you a lot.
September 15, 2014 · Reply
Michelle G
If it's big, it's a stone. If it's small it's a seed, also called a pip.
September 15, 2014
Thank you very much.
September 16, 2014 · Reply
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