How to say "validate a ticket" in mandarin? 用中文怎么说“validate a ticket”? 是“验证票”吗?一共有几个说法?
Dec 29, 2014 8:06 PM
Answers · 9
December 30, 2014
i m NOT sure that "validate a ticket" means 检票. 检票 means someone checks your ticket. for example, when u r sitting in a train, which has been moving, an inspector will check everyone's ticket. "validate a ticket" is what we must do with a machine before we take a train. we put our tickets into a little machine and this machine gonna print something on our tickets. if we dont do this, we CAN'T take any train even if we have a ticket. anyway, this is how we take a train in france. in china, as i know, there is not a machine to validate a ticket like this. so there is no "validate a ticket" in china. we say : 打票 if we want to say "validate a ticket"
December 30, 2014
验票:check a ticket validate a ticket: 使 票 生效 We should make the ticket stamped so as to validate it. 我们需要将这张票盖章,才能使它生效。
December 30, 2014
December 30, 2014
检jian3 票piao4. used in subway and railway stations.
December 31, 2014
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