"See you at tomorrow" is wrong? Because, tomorrow is used as an adverb? How about using as a noun? See you at tomorrow is wrong? I googled about this question, but I couldn't find the answer..! Help me!
May 20, 2015 8:50 AM
Answers · 6
Tomorrow as an adverb and noun: Lets meet tomorrow. See you tomorrow by 2. How about arranging yourself to slot him in your busy schedule? Do not leave it for accomplishing it by tomorrow, just finish it today.
May 20, 2015
Yes, it is wrong. 'Tomorrow' is an adverb, and so it can't use a preposition in this way. It's the same as 'yesterday'. For example, 'I saw you yesterday' and 'I'll see you tomorrow' - no preposition.
May 20, 2015
Today, tomorrow without "at". Just see you tomorrow/later :)
May 20, 2015
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