"safe and sound" are used as adjectives or adverbs? We say, " We arrive home safe and sound." Both safe and sound are adjectives. So I am confused. Are "safe and sound" used as adjectives or adverbs here? Also, if "We arrive home safe and sound" is correct sentence, can we say, " We arrive home safe," or "We arrive home sound"?Hi Mira, Su. Ki., and everyone, So "safe and sound" is an adverbial phrase to describe verb "arrive." Then if these two words "safe" and "sound" are used separately, can I use them as adverb? or they are just adjectives? And this is the second part that confused me. Are "We arrive home safe" or "We arrive home sound" wrong?
Jun 25, 2015 8:04 AM
Answers · 3
cannot be blotted - which type of phrase
April 12, 2023
I agree with Mira. 'Safe and sound' is an adverbial phrase.
June 25, 2015
"Safe and sound" is describing a manner that relates to the verb "arrived", therefore I'd go for adverb.
June 25, 2015
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