"IS there any way" or "ARE there any wayS"? Which is right?
Aug 6, 2015 3:57 AM
Answers · 2
They are both correct, but slightly differ in meaning. "Is there any way?" implies that the person asking the question is assuming that there is only "one way", while "are there any ways?" implies that the person asking the question is assuming an answer that has "multiple ways". For example, if someone asked me "are there any ways?" I could say "yes, but only one way." or "yes, but only one way." Also, if someone asked me "is there any way?" I could say "yes, there are multiple ways" or "yes, there is a way."
August 6, 2015
Both right. Is there any way...? = asking for one possible solution or method Are there any ways...? = asking for various different solutions or methods.
August 6, 2015
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