"pesticide free" "sugar free" 中文怎么写? Is there a way to say "pesticide free","sugar free" in Chinese besides "没有除草剂“ or ”没有唐“?
Aug 14, 2015 8:21 PM
Answers · 6
无/不含 除草剂 无/不含 糖
August 14, 2015
pesticide free (this depends on the thing you are describing. If people used pesticide but it is clear now, you can say 不含农药残留 ) sugar free 无糖
August 15, 2015
sugar free一般翻译成“无糖”,或者“不含糖”。在食品的包装袋上经常可以见到。
August 15, 2015
无糖 means no sugar in the ingredients
August 15, 2015
Sorry I meant herbicide, but I want to know how to translate "free".
August 15, 2015
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