Nick Hills
这个句子什么意思? 我自己觉得,个人的主观能动性真正是充分调动起来了。 Why “我自己觉得” instead of “我觉得。。。”? What does “调动起来” mean in this context? Thank you!Here's the entire paragraph for context: 第一次上课时,教授领我们念了念字母。我顺便说一句,梵文字母也是非常啰嗦的,绝对不像英文字母这样简明。无论如何,第一堂我觉得颇为舒服,没感到有多大压力。我心里满以为就会这样舒服下去的。第二次上课就给了我当头一棒。教授对梵文非常复杂的规律根本不加讲解,一下子就读起书后面附上的练习来。他要我读练习句子,字母有些还面生可疑,语法概念更是一点儿也没有。读得结结巴巴,译得莫名其妙,急得头上冒汗,心中发火。下了课以后,就拼命预习。一句只有五六个字的练习,要查连声,查语法,往往要做一两个小时。准备两小时的课,往往要用上一两天的时间。我自己觉得,个人的主观能动性真正是充分调动起来了。过了一段时间,自己也逐渐适应了这种学习方法。头上的汗越出越少了,心里的或越发越小了。我尝到甜头。
Oct 15, 2015 9:58 PM
Answers · 30
自己 literally means "self" so you can think of it as being used in the same way as "myself" is used in English. If we wanted to translate these sentences, one way to do it would be like this: 我觉得I think... 我自己觉得 I myself think... Alternatively: 我觉得 In my opinion.... 我自己觉得 In my personal opinion... In this case, 调动 means to mobilize or activate. 起来 literally means to come up, but you can think of it as to start. Thus, you can translate the sentence this way: 我自己觉得,个人的主观能动性真正是充分调动起来了。 In my personal opinion, it truly and fully activates each person's subjective initiative.
October 16, 2015
Why “我自己觉得” instead of “我觉得。。。”? -----you can say both of them, all is right What does “调动起来” mean in this context? ---- activate
October 15, 2015
作者想说的,是不是: "我知道,如果我要跟得上班上的进度,就得这样的自动自觉的预习,于是,过了一段时间,这就成为了我的学习方法了。" 我们可以思考,原文究竟算是怎样的水平。 "我自己觉得,个人的主观能动性真正是充分调动起来了。过了一段时间,自己也逐渐适应了这种学习方法。" 1。 "我觉得"就够了。"我自己觉得"是否叠床架屋了? 2。"个人"、"主观"、"能动性", 跟"自动自觉"比,哪个比较地道? 3。"调动"是这样用的么?
October 16, 2015
你好,我是一名中国人,讲标准普通话,我想学英文,我可以简单的对话,你能加我的Skype:[email protected] .or my wechat :13856796990.我们可以互相帮助。we can help each other .or tell me your wechat or skype.i will add you to my friend.
December 6, 2015
It is right to abide by the law. The version you read is nearly 95% different. You can read the other version next time you leave the country for a break.
October 16, 2015
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