"I will keep you informed" in formal Japanese How can I say "I will keep you informed" in formal Japanese. Is this right? ご進捗状況を逐次知らせます。 Any other suggestions are welcomed. Thanks.
Nov 16, 2015 6:55 PM
Answers · 2
I think 進捗状況を逐次お知らせします。is better. ご進捗状況 is a honorific, it is used to express "your progress" like ご進捗状況をお知らせいただければ幸いです。=We hope you let us know your progress. お~します is a humble expression. You can also say 進み具合を逐一御報告いたします. But 進み具合 is a casual word. 進捗状況 is a stiff word. So 進捗状況を逐次お知らせします。is more formal.
November 16, 2015
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