What's the difference between "confirm", "verify", and "check" ?
Dec 7, 2015 1:49 PM
Answers · 7
Confirm and Verify can be considered synonyms. But upon closer inspection we can see that verify is used for demonstrating or making sure that some things are true/justified, while confirm is used in the same manner, with a minor difference, if you use confirm you're expecting it to be true. To "check" means to examine something in order to determine it's accuracy, quality, condition, ...
December 7, 2015
"Check" is usually less formal and/or faster. The word also has more meanings; it can mean "to examine something to determine it's accuracy, truth, quality, condition, or to detect something." The others both only confirm accuracy. "Verify" is more formal and again only refers to accuracy or truth. "Confirm" is the same as verify except that it implies an expected outcome. That is, you expect it to be true or accurate when you "confirm" something.
December 7, 2015
confirm is meant reaction while hearing or receiving information from other. verify is meant how to prove something whether right or not towards criteria. check is stressed "Activate" while in verification, basis on looking or listening, sometimes even as verify or validate but not in official.. Additionally "validate" is more used for complete action in general for verification.
December 7, 2015
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