Question about song lyrics... In 4minute's Crazy they say: 난리 나 does this mean here and there? 미쳐 does this mean go crazy? 따라 해 does this mean follow me? Thank you
Dec 30, 2015 10:47 PM
Answers · 2
"난리 나" doesn't mean "here and there" - you got the other lines mostly correct. - 난리 나: 난리(war, fuss, commotion) + 나(come about) => go chaotic / make a big fuss. - 미쳐: 미치다(go crazy) + 아/어 (connective conjugation form) => go crazy. - 따라 해: 따르다(follow) + 하다(do) + 아/어 => Do as I do (follow my example).
December 31, 2015
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