"I'm from USA" or "I'm from the USA", which is the correct one? I'm from US. I'm from the US. I'm from PRC. I'm from the PRC. I'm from CHI. I'm from the CHI. They all have the same problem.
Jan 29, 2016 1:54 AM
Answers · 4
It must be "I'm from the USA." This is because "USA" is an abbreviation for United States of America, so here we must use the definite article "the" with the noun "states." You can say "I'm from America," I'm from Alabama," "I'm from Berlin," etc., but if the noun is pluralized the definite article is required. "I'm from the Azores," "I'm from the Balkan Islands," etc.
January 29, 2016
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January 29, 2016
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