How do I say 'I don't believe you.' in Korean (informally/casually) towards close friends
Jan 29, 2016 3:00 AM
Answers · 2
"I don't believe you." * standard way: - (난) (널) 믿지 않아 / 믿지 못해. - (난) (널) 안 믿어 / 못 믿어. * colorful, slangy way (among kids, for example): - 그걸 누가 믿어? = Who would believe that? - 웃기지 마. = You're kidding. - 뻥치지 마. = Don't give me that bull.
January 29, 2016
난 널 믿지 않아 Nan Neol Mitzi A-Na
January 29, 2016
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