What's the difference between "forthcoming and "upcoming", if any? Can you give me some examples? Thanks in advance!
Mar 2, 2016 12:38 PM
Answers · 1
Hi Alex, Meaning 1: 'Forthcoming' and 'upcoming' both refer to something that will happen in the future. Examples: There is a forthcoming/upcoming concert next week in the park. The forthcoming/upcoming board meeting is extremely important. However, 'forthcoming' has two additional meanings, while 'upcoming' does not. Meaning 2: To be available or provided when needed Examples: Emergency aid was not forthcoming from foreign countries when the earthquake hit. (OR) When he was in debt, help was not forthcoming from his family. Meaning 3: Willing to provide information Examples: She was not forthcoming about her involvement in stocks trading. (OR) The teenager was not forthcoming to his parents about sneaking out of the house. Hope this was useful!
March 2, 2016
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