句首什么时候用动词原形,什么时候用V+ing ? 句首什么时候用V ,什么时候用V+ing 形式呢?For example: Hope you have a good night. 还是Hoping you have a good night. And why?
Apr 7, 2016 12:44 AM
Answers · 5
-ing is used for "action in progress right now" (continuing action) I hope you have a good night. I am typing this comment (right now).
April 7, 2016
April 7, 2016
在这种语境,V+ing确实很少见。不过,在两种情况下可以用:第一是祝愿,特别是在信件结尾和贺卡。比方说,奶奶给你写的email可能有"Sending you hugs and kisses. Love, Grandma"的结尾。假如你要搬到很远的地方,朋友可能对你写"Wishing you all the best!"的短信。在很多贺卡的封面写着"Wishing you a speedy recovery"。第二种情况是广告语和口号。在很多产品包装和官方网站,会有"Serving you since 1978"、"Channel 7: Bringing you the biggest stories 24/7"、"Spreading the Gospel to all the nations" (基督教)等等。在日常生活的口语中,好像从来不出现。
May 8, 2016
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