英文里有一些有多个意思的单词,比如:arms、lie、banks等单词。 中文里也有,比如:意思。Usually, "意思“ is the meaning of something。 But in some conversation it will be different, so the context is really matters.
e.g. ①甲:“你真厉害!” 乙:“小意思”(It's a piece of cake.)
② “意思意思” (两个"意思“一起使用,则通常出现在受贿(take bribes)的场景里)e.g 甲:“我该怎么做呢?/我要给多少钱呢?” 乙:“你就意思意思一下吧。”(It depends on you) In this context, the implied meaning of “你就意思意思一下吧” actually means "The more money you give, the more ... you will get."