Halo semuanya! Could someone help me translate the lyrics to Sangkuriang? Saya tertarik dengan main lagu ini sama grup kroncong saya. Lebih baik kalau saya bisa mengerti artinya lirik2! Terima kasih! Nun dupa mengalun Buka tabir purbakala Riwayat Priangan Ibu yang menanggung malang dipercinta oleh Putra sangkuriang sakti Walau mengetahui Itu ibunya sejati Agar dapat berlari di gelap malam dimintanya menyiapkan Tlaga dan prahu semalam Nur di timur fajar Tiba sebelum waktunya Sangkuriang putra Tak menepati janjinya
May 11, 2016 2:07 AM
Answers · 8
Hi Hannah, you probably have heard of Sangkuriang's story. It's a legend among Sundanese people in Indonesia.The legend of Sangkuriang tells the story of a young man who falls in love with his own mother. (read more > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sangkuriang) Once, there was a kingdom in Priangan Land. Lived a happy family. They were a father in form of dog,his name is Tumang, a mother which was called is Dayang Sumbi, and a child which was called Sangkuriang.... (read more > http://the-friendkerz.blogspot.co.id/2015/02/the-story-of-sangkuriang-and-tangkuban.html) the song is about this legend, so knowing the story will make you understand what this song is all about. Nun dupa mengalun (this line is too difficult for me, hope the others can explain :D ) Buka tabir purbakala (Uncover the ancient story) Riwayat Priangan (Priangan Legend) Ibu yang menanggung malang (a mother who bore a hardship) dipercinta oleh (loved by) Putra sangkuriang sakti (Sangkuriang - the son of Dayang Sumbi. Putra in English is "son". And "sakti" is an adjective means - having supernatural skills) Walau mengetahui (despite knowing) Itu ibunya sejati (that she is his mother) Agar dapat (to be able to) berlari di gelap malam (run in the night) dimintanya menyiapkan (she asked him to build) Tlaga dan prahu semalam (a lake and a boat in one night) Nur di timur fajar (the light in the east of dawn) Tiba sebelum waktunya (came before the due time) Sangkuriang putra (Sangkuriang - Putra in English is "son") Tak menepati janjinya (couldn't keep his promise) I tried my best :D Semoga membantu. Tetap semangat!
May 13, 2016
Good luck! I know Sangkuriang story cuz its very well known, but not the song. :D
May 17, 2016
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