Bathroom/restroom in chinese. How do you say ''Restroom'' and ''bathroom'' in Chinese? I've seen so many different words for this two words, for instance: 厕所,洗手间,洗澡间,卫生间,浴室,etc. Which one should I use just to ask ''where is the restroom?'' or ''can I use your bathroom?''.
Aug 11, 2016 9:24 PM
Answers · 5
厕所:toliet ,it's an oral coarse word , I would use 厕所 when I am with my friends. it's kinda joke 洗手间,卫生间,休息室:restroom, I normally use these words when I am with clients/strangers/not familiar friends 浴室,洗澡间:bathroom, the place where u can have a bath or just XX
August 12, 2016
I think bathroom is can say "can i use your bathroom"?我可以用一下洗手间吗? Actually bathroom have many meanings.like厕所,卫生间,洗手间。you can use any of them. Hope that helpful to you
August 12, 2016
厕所,洗手间,卫生间 are fine for all occasions.
August 11, 2016
ok! :)
August 13, 2016
When you want yo ask where is the bathroom, actually,you can use厕所 洗手间 and 卫生间 . But there's difference. 洗手间(bathroom)is a nicer way of saying 厕所(toilet). 浴室and洗澡间are where you can have a shower. So it'e better for you to ask 我可以用一下你的洗手间吗 when you want to use the bathroom.
August 13, 2016
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