research + what preposition?? Hello everybody! Here is my question: can I say "2 years ago I did a small research on something"??
Nov 20, 2008 1:16 PM
Answers · 5
Two years ago I did a little research on.....
November 20, 2008
Hi Raisa... you would say..."I did some research (on something)/into something"
November 20, 2008
im not a native but I think is OK, a research on/into sth
November 20, 2008
Two years ago, I briefly researched (and here you must say what it was you researched). Example 1: Two years ago, I briefly researched Mitochondrial DNA and its usage in forensic science. Example 2: A few years ago, I studied Mitochondrial DNA and its usage in forensic science.
November 22, 2008
You can't do "a small research". You could say "I did research on a small something" or "I did some research on something". (Or "a bit of")
November 20, 2008
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