What does "You'll do." mean? I don't quite get it. I assume it's somehow related to love and relationships, and probably humorous. But what does it mean exactly? Where did it come from? These are some different postcards: 1. You'll do. (heart-shaped) 2. Meh... You'll do♥ (tiny heart) 3. You're no Prince Charming but you'll do. 4. You'll do! It's a bit late to swap you now. Thank you!
Apr 15, 2017 10:49 PM
Answers · 2
It means you're not perfect, but you're good enough. It is humorous in your examples, but it needn't be when applied to more practical situations: The banana is a little too ripe, but it'll do for this recipe. The tire's tread is worn, but it'll do as a spare. It probably originated as an abbreviation of "it will do the job," which means it is adequate to get the job accomplished.
April 15, 2017
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