"に" or "へ" for 行きたいですか ? What participle should one use for 行きたいですか ? My book says it should be this for どこ: どこ へ 行きたいですか? どことどこ へ 行きたいですか But my book also says this is correct for あそこ: あそこ に 行きたいですか Will the participle へ change to the participle に if you use the following: あそこ そこ ここ Or is it solely for あそこ? When do you use  へ and  に for 行きたいですか? Thank you so much!
May 22, 2017 9:33 AM
Answers · 5
へ and に are interchangeable in that case. You can say: あそこ へ/に 行きたいですか。 そこ へ/に 行きたいですか。 どこ へ/に 行きたいですか。 But you should change the verb to use ここ: ここ へ/に 来たいですか。 You can omit the particles to say them in a casual manner. あそこ、行きたいですか。 そこ、行きたいですか ここ、来たいですか。
May 22, 2017
using へ and に depand on if you have somthing to do or not. へ inform us about destination. in addition of destination に use for a purposeful direction it means that you have something to do in the place. for example we say : かいしゃ に 帰ります。 because I have raison to come back.
May 23, 2017
It's correct. you can use へ (pronounced E) or え どこ行きたいんですか? どこにいきたいんですか? From my visit to Japan the only difference I could come up with is "へ" is more formal than ni. But this could be wrong. It could also have something to do with masculinity and femininity behind words. Even here though, I'm completely out in the blue. But all in all there is no clear difference in meaning between the two.
May 22, 2017
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