Pei Yung
tick off the bucket list I like to try and tick off the bucket list. What does “tick off the bucketlist” mean?
Jul 19, 2017 5:05 AM
Answers · 7
It means to do something you have always wanted to do, before you die. "Kick the bucket" is slang for die. So, a "bucket list" is a list of things you want to do before you die. "Tick off" means to check off/cross off something on a list, after you have done it. The speaker in the sentence is saying that he/she likes to try to do certain interesting things before he/she dies, like perhaps: go skydiving; visit Paris; ride a motorcycle across country; etc.
July 19, 2017
Hello, Your 'bucket list' is a list of things you want to do before you die. This comes from the expression 'to kick the bucket' which is an informal way of talking about dying. For example, 'My grandmother kicked the bucket last year.' = My grandmother died last year. I hope that helps, Christine
July 19, 2017
Your bucket list is things you want to do before you die. So, if you tick things off it, it means you are doing things that you want to achieve before you die. You would usually 'tick things off' the list
July 19, 2017
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