Is it correct to say "As I can see" or "As I see" ? In the dictionary one can find "As far as I can see" phrase only, so I am not sure whether it is correct to say one of the above collocation? Please advise. "As I can see the invoice was not paid", "As I see the database table is corrupted", etc
Aug 28, 2017 11:52 AM
Answers · 3
The other easy way to avoid trouble is not to use "as" at all e.g. I see that the table .... When illustrating a point, you can introduce your idea with: "As you can see, ..." To introduce an opinion, you can say: "As I see it, ..." Your usage of "As I see" is one of the most common errors made by speakers of Slavic languages.
August 28, 2017
I would always say "as far as I can see". It is a way of saying "as far as i can (possibly) see" meaning using all the information available to you. "As I see" sounds very unnatural and is never used.
August 28, 2017
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