Are these two sentences correct? 1. I like apple. 2. I like apples. If they are both correct, what's the difference in meaning?Is there a slight difference putting an "s" at the end of the word "apple" ?
Dec 16, 2017 12:18 PM
Answers · 4
They're not really both correct. 'I like apple' would only be correct if someone was like 'What flavour do you like?' and then, a correct response would be 'I like apple'. If you're talking generally about food you like, you would always use the plural i.e. 'I like apples', 'I like chips' or 'I like strawberries'. If you're talking about a specific apple, you would say 'I like this apple', or 'I would like this apple'. Hope that helps.
December 16, 2017
but actually it depends on ur attitude
December 16, 2017
but i like apple it just for a specific apple
December 16, 2017
no i like apples is correct
December 16, 2017
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