Hi, I'm Jina!
It's always hard to say anything to someone
who lost their loved ones.
I would say like this to my friends in this situation
"힘내, 좋은데 가셨을 거야.."
: Hang in there,
They must have gone to a peaceful place.
"하늘에서 너 지켜 주실 거야"
: They will take care of you from the sky.
"이제는 편안하실 거야"
: They must be relaxed now
*These are for when older people passed away*
If their friend's or younger people passed away,
you can say
"힘내, 좋은데 갔을 거야"
"하늘에서 너 지켜 줄 거야"
"이제는 편안할 거야"
in same meanings.
It was hard to explain in English for me but I hope you understand and it will help you (: