How to express condolences when someone passes away in Korean? When someone dies, in English we can simply say "I am sorry that ....!" Is there also same simple way to say it in Korean? My friends told me that simple 미안해요 can't be used in this case, yet they really could not think of a simple way to say it... Maybe someone here has a suggestion?
Jan 31, 2018 12:24 PM
Answers · 6
Hi, I'm Jina! It's always hard to say anything to someone who lost their loved ones. I would say like this to my friends in this situation "힘내, 좋은데 가셨을 거야.." : Hang in there, They must have gone to a peaceful place. "하늘에서 너 지켜 주실 거야" : They will take care of you from the sky. "이제는 편안하실 거야" : They must be relaxed now *These are for when older people passed away* If their friend's or younger people passed away, you can say "힘내, 좋은데 갔을 거야" "하늘에서 너 지켜 줄 거야" "이제는 편안할 거야" in same meanings. It was hard to explain in English for me but I hope you understand and it will help you (:
January 31, 2018
"고인의 명복을 빕니다." Pray for the bliss of the dead. "상심이 크시겠어요. 고인의 명복을 빕니다." You must be in great grief. Pray for the bliss of the dead. This is a general formal phrase to anyone who lost his/her loved one.
January 31, 2018
Thank you a lot! These are good expressions to write!
February 1, 2018
More casually to a friend who lost the loved one that is older: 마음이 많이 아프겠지만 좋은 곳으로 가셨을 거야. 힘내. 많이 슬프겠지만 기운 내. 평안한 곳으로 가셨을거야.
January 31, 2018
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