what's the meaning of 'heck out of ' in this sentence ? Let's go find and eat the heck out of that crystal gem apple together.
Feb 17, 2018 2:00 PM
Answers · 7
''Heck of a' or 'heck out of' = this informal expression is used for emphasis in various statements or exclamations (of dialect origin, heck is a late 19th-century euphemism for hell = 'the hell out of (something)')). It may also mean 'quite good or impressive' / 'very much'. Let's go find and eat the heck out of that crystal gem apple together = ''Let's go find and eat very much (quite a good piece) of that crystal gem apple together''. Hope that helps!
February 17, 2018
The other answer is perfect. Good job!
February 17, 2018
Luiz gave a good explanation of „heck out of“ of „heck of“ but what’s a „crystal gem apple?“ I’ve never heard that said before.
February 17, 2018
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