Fernando Bueno
Question about pronunciation Hello everybody! I have a question that is killing me (for a long time actually). In the song "Wait" by M83 there's a line that says: "There's no end, there is no goodbye", they are clearly singing with a "S" sound instead of the regular "TH" sound, is it common for native english speakers? Was it just to fit in the song? Please correct any mistakes I have written. Thank you, Fernando Bueno
Apr 16, 2018 3:54 PM
Answers · 4
I mean, there is a simple answer here. The singers are not native English speakers. M83 are a French band. The 'th' sound does not exist in French. Hence the mispronunciation. Some native English speakers in part of England pronounce 'th' as an 'f' sound but as a 'z' or an 's', no. These are pronunciations by native speakers of other languages.
April 16, 2018
Fernando- That is only for the sound of the song. I have never heard anyone pronounce "th" with a "s" sound in any word. Your English is fine. -S
April 16, 2018
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