what does "Je t'en prie, cherie!" mean in english?
Apr 4, 2009 11:57 PM
Answers · 3
hello , there is two means of this word first : if you say it to some one who told you "thanks" seantence , in this case that's mean in English like "you are welcome honey". second : if you use it to ask some thing , it's like if you sayin English : " please honey " hope that u get an idea now, if you need some yhing else i'm here :)
April 5, 2009
Hello Kelsey, prie from the verb "prier" means to pray or to beg ,in this context it is rather "to beg". Cherie means darling or dear. It either means: I beg you darling , I beg you dear. or "Please ,do " for example if you ask someone" je peux m'asseoir ?" = May i have a seat or sit ? He could answer " Je t'en prie" or " je vous en prie" which means here " Please do".
April 6, 2009
answer of rachid is fine. "je te'n prie" shows you are grateful and also it's a formula to ask for something politely. the literal translation would be "I beg you".
April 5, 2009
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