whats the different "幸福" with "幸运"? whats the different "幸福" with "幸运"? aren't both means "happiness"? but whats the different? can u give me some examples for both?? 謝謝♡
Jun 4, 2018 3:10 AM
Answers · 5
June 4, 2018
幸福:happiness 幸运:lucky
June 4, 2018
幸运 means lucky. 他中了彩票,他很幸运。 He won the lottery, he is very lucky.
June 4, 2018
For example... I'm 幸運 getting married with a nice & kind guy, so my life is 幸福.
June 7, 2018
幸福means happiness or happy. 幸运is luck or lucky
June 4, 2018
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