The usage of "dong" (part II)
The usage of “dong”:
(1) To soften the imperative clause, in order to persuade someone to take part in a decision-making.
ayo + dong (come on)
i.e.: - Ayo dong, jangan diam saja (Come on, don’t just sitting around doing nothing)
- Ayo dong, jangan mudah menyerah (Come on, don’t give up so easily)
b. adv. of place + dong
- Kita lagi di Starbucks, kamu ke sini dong (We’re in Starbucks now, why don’t you come here and join us?)
- Kamu lagi sakit sekarang, kita yang ke tempatmu dong (You’re not feeling well now, why don’t we go to your place instead?)
(2) To soften a request (verb + dong)
- Mau ke rumah nenek, ya? Ikut, dong (You want to go to grandma’s house? May I come, please?
- Gambarku jangan dibuang, dong (Don’t throw away my picture, please?)
(3) To emphasize some feelings:
Impatience or a feeling of being hopeless
- Telpon sekarang, dong. Masakan tunggu sampai besok? ( Give her a call now, why should you wait until tomorrow?)
- Bagaimana, dong? Jadi kita ke Bali? Jangan ingkari janjimu. ( So, are we going to Bali? Don’t break your promise to me)
b. A feeling of being proud
Siapa dulu + dong
“Muridmu hebat-hebat, ya.” (Your students are incredible). “Siapa dulu, dong, gurunya, Pak Ryder.” ( Of course, if it isn’t Mr. Ryder, who else?)
d. A feeling of being disappointed
Tidak + verb. + dong
“Maaf, aku merasa kurang sehat sekarang.” (I’m sorry, I’m feeling unwell right now). “ Kita tidak jadi jalan-jalan, dong.” (It means we can’t go window shopping then)
(4) To praise someone for doing something that is expected. (usually for doing a nice thing)
Begitu + dong
- Nah, begitu, dong. Kalau ke sini bawa makanan yang enak ( Now then, this is what we expect. Bring some delicious food whenever you come here)
- Nah, begitu, dong. Belajar yang rajin ( Now then, this is what I expect you to do, study hard)