Sam Thomas
《听不下去》是什么意思? 听不下去 的意思是 1)won't continue listening to what you're saying 还是 2)won't take in/take on board what you have said (就是说不采纳/不理解某人的建议) The original context is 《你说什么,他也听不下去》
Jan 19, 2019 5:46 PM
Answers · 9
聽不下去 is the first thing you've written. It's often because you simply can't take it any longer, for example because the other person is talking complete nonsense of because they have a really annoying voice or simply because they are really boring. 聽不進去 would be better for the second sentence you've written, that's more like "not taking it in/things on board". Laurence
January 19, 2019
I want to figure out the angle quotes 《》 is not used like that according to Chinese punctuation rules . You can use“ ” by the way. So like this condition 我看不下去了。
January 23, 2019
if someone always talk nosense ,or sth useless, or sth too boring. in english, you may say: what are you talking about? or i can't stand it any more . to the same issue, in chinese, you can say: 我听不下去了。
January 21, 2019
January 20, 2019
I would go with 1) 我再也听不下去了。 I can listen to this no more. 我再也吃不下去了。 I can eat no more. 你说什么,他也听不下去。 It doesn't matter what you say, he can listen no further (had enough). (which means he won't listen.) 你说什么,他也吃不下去。 It doesn't matter what you say, he can eat no further (had enough). (which means he is either full, or maybe he doesn't have the appetite.) 听不进去 means not listening, 不去理睬,不去理会,也不去考虑。 他听不进去我说的话 means "he is not listening to me (I'm not getting through to him)" "听不下去" 和采纳不采纳别人的建议是两码事儿。就算我凝听了你的建议,如果你的提议不好的话,我一样可以不去采纳你的意见。
January 20, 2019
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