spent or spend? How to use "spent" or "spend" in a sentence?
Jan 31, 2019 11:19 AM
Answers · 2
Swim - swam - swum (swim is an irregular verb, and these are the present simple, past simple, and past participle, always given in this order in English grammar) spend - spent - spent Tom spends too much money on beer. (Present Simple, and a general truth) Tom spent too much money yesterday. (Past Simple) Tom has spent too much money this week. (Preset Perfect = have + past participle)
January 31, 2019
Spent (verb 3 form ) - EX:- I have spent my money. .( present perfect Tense) Spend( verb 1 form ) EX:- I spend my money . (simple present tense)
January 31, 2019
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