Sam Thomas
这些句子是什么意思? 1)“我刚打扫完房间就睡不着了” 在这情况下‘刚打扫完房间’ 和 ‘睡不着’ 这两个动作有什么关系?怎么翻译成英文? 2)”不在银行账户上趴着“ 在这句话里面’趴着‘是什么意思? 3)”填志愿“
Feb 2, 2019 1:24 AM
Answers · 7
1. I just finished cleaning the room and now I can't sleep. 2. 趴 = to lay your upper body in a prone position, such as trying to sleep on the table while still being seated. 3. 填 = fill, 志愿 goals, dreams, ambitions... Mostly used in college application forms to state your goals etc.
February 2, 2019
“不在银行账户上趴着” 我猜是指:把本钱从银行账户上取出,通过其他的方式获得更高的投资收益。 I guess: it means taking money out of your bank account and finding another ways to get a higher investment return . “在银行账户上趴着”是指本钱存放在银行带来的投资收益太低。 “在银行趴着”means: the investment income from keeping money in the bank is too low. 因为“趴着”的意思是:身体向前靠在东西上懒洋洋地,一动不动的状态。 在该句中引申为:没有产生任何明显的收益。 “趴着” means: your body is lying lazily and does not move at all . So in this sentence it means : no obvious benefit have been made .
February 2, 2019
But that doesn't make sense. Well, at least in Taiwanese Mandarin.
February 2, 2019
趴着 means stay/hold 表示不动的状态
February 2, 2019
1. 我刚打扫完房间就睡不着了 I couldn't sleep right after I clean my room. 2. I'm not familiar with this expression. 3. 填志愿 (this depends on context, you'll have to double check) 1. (I think Shih is right about this one) 2. fill in your aspirations 3. fill in your choices 4. (or even) fill in the 志愿活动 you wish to participate in
February 2, 2019
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