What is the meaning of the phrase "today at the latest"? Hi friends, What is the meaning of the phrase "today at the latest"? In the same manner, can I say "tomorrow at the latest"? Could you show me one or two sentences with this phrase to get an idea about the usage? Thanks in advance! Niwantha
Feb 28, 2019 9:57 AM
Answers · 14
Hi Niwantha! Great question. This is a way of setting a due date or deadline. So, if someone says, "Please submit your report today at the latest." they mean, "Today is the latest you can give me the report." This means that tomorrow would be too late. Yes, you can say, "tomorrow at the latest" or any day. For example, you could say, "Submit your report by the 16th at the latest." or "Wednesday at the latest." or even "12:00 PM at the latest." All of these examples have a similar meaning: whatever day, date, or time is used is the latest day/time that something can be done or accepted without negative consequences. Hope that helps!
February 28, 2019
Hello! "Today at the latest" indicates that today is the last opportunity for something to happen. For example: Your assignment should be handed in by today at the latest. This means it could have handed in before today but that tomorrow would be too late. "Tomorrow at the latest" is the same concept but the cut off would be tomorrow rather than today. For example: Your assignment should be handed by tomorrow at the latest.
February 28, 2019
Today at the latest = by the end of business if in a business context. Usually taken as meaning at about 5 to 6pm or it may be specified for each business "within their terms of business trading" Today at the latest = in a normal context before midnight. For legal purposes a day is usually considered as Ending on the striking of the clock at Midnight. OR to be within legal limits before 11.59 pm. but allow for differences in clocks to leave that late is risky. Tomorrow at the latest or any other time at the latest = the same criteria. You say at the latest to indicate that after that time there will be consequences or penalties, or that it is extremely urgent or there might be a deadline. For example I have had to rush "Drugs up the A1 from London to Newcastle on a motorbike from the national fridge to surgeons waiting to perform operations, before the drugs thawed at a set time after being taken out of the secure national freezer" "don't kill yourself; but these drugs have to be in the hands of the surgeon waiting to meet you outside the operating theatre within 4 Hours at the latest of you taking possession at the pick up point"
February 28, 2019
Today, and not a day later. Yes, tomorrow at the latest, meaning that something must be done tomorrow and not a day later. This assignment must be handed in day-after-tomorrow at the latest.
February 28, 2019
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