What is the meaning of "tho"? I heard many people used the word 'tho' in their sentence and I'm still can't figure out what it really means and how to use it. Ex: She's been sick for two weeks. She seems better today tho.
Mar 17, 2019 3:26 PM
Answers · 3
“Tho” is a shortened form of “though.” You are more likely to see it in text messages or in very casual writing by young people. “Though” is used to emphasize a contrast, such as in your sentence above: the contrast is she was sick but she seems better.
March 17, 2019
Putting the “tho” (spelled correctly as “though” which is an alternate form of “although”) at the end is informal usage. It’s better placed before “she seems better today.” Then you can probably see it means “but”, more or less.
March 17, 2019
March 17, 2019
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